Grove (1-3 People, 2 Beds)

Grove (1-3 People, 2 Beds)

from $520.00

2-night minimum

  • 1 adult: $260 per adult per night

  • 2 adults: $185 per adult per night

  • 3 adults: $160 per adult per night

The Groves are gorgeous rooms, heated by adjustable geothermal heat and looking out towards the mountains. The room includes 1 full bed, 1 twin bed (in the same room) and outlets with a small amount of power.

Beds come with a fitted sheet only; you will need to bring your own bedding. (Request rental bedding.)

Use this page to register up to 2 adults for your Grove room.

  • To add more adults to your room, register your first 2 adults here. Then go back to our “Lodging” page, and select “Additional Adult.” Additional adults are $110 per adult per night.

  • To add children, register your adult(s). Then go back to our “Lodging” page, and select “Child Lodging.”

# of adults, # of nights:
sold out
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